
5 Nutrition And Feeding Tips To Improve Your Dog’s Diet

There’s a seemingly endless range of dog foods on the market, and each one insists on being the most nutritious. While it’s great that pet parents have a world of choices, the vast amount of options can be overwhelming, even more so if you are a first-time pet owner.


So we’ve rounded up some of the most helpful nutrition and feeding tips to help you find the right pet food, offer the correct portion sizes, and know the signs of potential health ailments in your pet.


Visit The Vet

Before you start shopping around for pet food and comparing brands, it’s best to visit the vet. Your pet could have underlying health issues that you aren’t aware of. With this, you could end up feeding your pet a type of pet food that worsens existing health problems such as digestive issues, allergies, etc.


As soon as your vet has evaluated your dog’s overall health and well-being, you will have a better idea of suitable food options.


Consider Tailored Food Plans

Beyond the many pet food brands you can find in stores, you could also consider opting for a tailored pet food plan. Instead of feeding your pet standard dry or wet dog food, a tailored food plan means food is explicitly designed for your pup.


A tailored dog food subscription ensures your dog gets all the proper nutrients while you won’t need to worry about constantly topping up food supplies. With a subscription, dog food is delivered routinely.


Find The Right Feeding Bowls

When it comes to finding the right bowls for your pup, it’s best to avoid interesting designs like elevated feeders unless your vet has specifically recommended these. Elevated feeders can increase the risk of bloating in some dog breeds and are only suitable for pups that have difficulty lowering their heads to eat due to health problems. A regular anti-slip and anti-bug bowl is ideally suited for most dogs.


Supervise Your Pup

You must supervise your pup during feeding time to ensure they are not eating too fast or too slow. While eating too fast can cause bloating and other issues, eating too slow raises concerns of underlying health concerns.


If your dog shows signs of bloating and discomfort after meals due to eating too fast, consider using slow-feeding bowls. These feeding bowls are designed to make it impossible for your dog to eat too fast.


Only Change Your Dog’s Diet Gradually

If your pup is currently eating food that’s not entirely suitable, you might feel tempted to switch over to a tailored diet right away. However, this can be as much of a mistake as feeding your dog the wrong food.


It’s best to switch to a new diet gradually. Mix the new dog food with old food and gradually increase the amount of new food while decreasing the old food to ensure your pup’s digestive system can adjust to the new diet without any adverse reactions.


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Full time I'm an ambitious Head of Marketing and Communications in the luxury industry. Part time, I'm an enthusiastic British Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle blogger and YouTuber from Manchester, UK. This blog has been my outlet for the past 7+ years, and as a longstanding, Award-winning blogger I take the most enjoyment from creating content I truly love and believe in. All authentic. Always.

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