
Travel Without Abandoning Your Health and Beauty Regime

Travel is one of the best things you can do for yourself. We all know about the adage of it broadening the mind, but it goes much further than that. In fact, the more that you see of the world, the more that you will understand about it, and that means that you can expect to have a much better sense of things overall. However, there are some things that tend to fall by the wayside when you go travelling, especially if you are travelling for a long time, and it is a useful idea to try and keep on top of those things. In particular, it is wise to learn how best you can travel without abandoning your health and beauty regimes. Let’s look at how you might be able to do that.



I know I harp on about this all the time – but always, use, SPF! No matter whether you or on holiday or not, your skin can be damaged every day by UVA and UVB rays from the sun, outdoor pollutants and even artificial light from computers and office lighting. Please, include sun protection as part of our skincare regime. Simply apply after your moisturiser as your last skincare step/first makeup step and you don’t even have to worry about it. Simples!


Plan Your Meals

Much of this revolves around making sure that you are still doing all the things you would normally do at home, even though it might well be much more difficult to do so while you are travelling around the world. In particular, you should try to plan your meals out as best as you can. What you eat is one of the main determiners of how healthy you are, and if you are keen to remain healthy while on the road, then you need to ensure you don’t let your diet fall away. So planning meals is going to be an essential thing to do if you want to make sure that you remain healthy while travelling.

But how can you actually do this, given that you are not always sure where you will be, or what there will be available to eat? These days, it is easier than ever. Besides the fact that you should carry healthy food with you to snack on wherever you go, you can also research what restaurants and eateries there are in the area you are travelling to, and find out pretty easily online what they serve. This will help you to plan your meals, and that will mean that you are much more likely to eat properly, and not end up having to simply find any old thing to eat.


Make Use Of Flying Time

The thing about flying is that it is actually a wonderful opportunity to engage in all the normal health and beauty routines that you would normally want to do. You certainly shouldn’t start thinking that you have to do away with your face masks and your foot spas – these are both things that you can fit on to your hand luggage, and which you can engage in while you are on the plane itself. The more that you make use of your flying time, the better off you will be. In fact, one of the most important ways to use your flying time is to make sure you also get plenty of sleep. That in itself is a hugely important routine which you should prioritize at all costs, so let’s take a look at it.


Get Your Beauty Sleep

Sleep, as we have said, is hugely important. If you don’t get enough of it, it means that you are going to struggle to keep your health where it should be, and it will also affect how you look too. It truly is something that takes care of both sides of the health and beauty equation. For some people, a holiday is a perfect opportunity to get plenty more sleep than they normally would. But if you think you are going to struggle with this, then you might need to introduce some new routines in order to make it so.

This probably means just taking care of the nighttime routine, something you can do anywhere, even if it is a little more challenging than it can be when you are at home. As long as you have a few things that you always do before bed – wash your face, brush your teeth, and so on – you will find that you get off to sleep much easier. You’ll also be able to sleep much more easily if you are active in the day, which shouldn’t be too hard, and if you avoid over-drinking alcohol.

Of course, finding a decent bed is also important here. That generally means ensuring that you are booking good hotels, so it really is a win-win. If you are taking a kind of holiday where you are not sure of the sleeping situation, like a cruise, then you might want to think about fitting a hotel in there at some point too. You could book a cruise with a pre or post hotel stay, for instance, and that way you could absolutely have a chance to catch up on your beauty sleep regardless.



Sometimes, the simplest things are the most important – and can also weirdly be the most difficult to actually do. This is certainly true of drinking water. If you want to keep your health and beauty in check while travelling, then drinking water is going to be one of the most important things you need to do. If you generally struggle to drink water on the go, you should make a point of carrying your bottle with you wherever possible. That will make a difference to how much you drink, and that in turn will help to keep you feeling perfectly healthy and energetic – while also keeping your skin hydrated, of course.


Wash Your Hands

You don’t know what kinds of germs you are running into on your travels, so washing your hands is likely to become particularly important too. As long as you are doing this regularly, you will be much more confident in your likelihood of remaining healthy. The best thing to do is to carry around a bottle of antibacterial handwash – one that you can take on to a plane – so that you can always keep your hands clean, wherever you are.


These are all useful things to consider if you are hoping to remain healthy and beautiful while travelling the world.

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Meet The Creator

Full time I'm an ambitious Head of Marketing and Communications in the luxury industry. Part time, I'm an enthusiastic British Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle blogger and YouTuber from Manchester, UK. This blog has been my outlet for the past 7+ years, and as a longstanding, Award-winning blogger I take the most enjoyment from creating content I truly love and believe in. All authentic. Always.

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