
#CosmoBlogAwards & Outfit of the Day: Pink Two-Piece Suit

Hey kittens! Today is an exciting day. I’m currently on my travels down to London for the Cosmopolitan Blog Awards – eek! Today’s Outfit of the Day won’t include a detailed Outfit breakdown or an explanation of the look like it usually does; it’s gonna be a bit more personal than that. Who would have thought that when I started this little project a year ago that I’d be shortlisted from 43,000 blogs for the Best New Fashion Blog Award. It makes me faint just saying that! And I can’t tell you how appreciative and grateful to y’all for stopping by this blog and making it all worthwhile. 

I’d like to think this look is a little celebration of all the creativity I’ve been able to let out on my blog thus far. Before I opened up this little corner-shop of clothes on the internet, I had no one to appreciate (or gawp at!) my outfits. It sounds silly, but fashion really does mean a whole lot to me. It’s something that gives me a creative outlet every day and something I’ve always looked at from an artistic perspective. No-one else understood that before I started to document my looks, and creating this diary has become something I can’t image ever NOT doing now.

Throughout school I was pretty much bullied every day for the way I looked and the way I dressed, but instead of deterring me, it just made me more determined to wear whatever the heck I liked. Jeez, we’re only here once, we might as well enjoy it! I don’t think anyone is ever 100% satisfied with how they look or with their body shape, but fashion – and beauty, to some degree – has given me the chance to dress up as a different person every day. And with that, strangely enough, it’s pointed me more towards myself than I’ve ever been. It’s been a ride!

Fashion isn’t just about trends and things to wear, it’s about personal style and the way you embrace your own characteristics. Well, for me it is at least. This blog has given me the chance to compare and contrast my own personal style with current trends and the latest crazes. I like to think I’ve mixed my love for vintage style with modern trends and created a hybrid look in-between. Sometimes people don’t understand the difference between fashion and style, but I reckon y’all get it. Fashion is current trends, what’s on the catwalk, what’s “in” but style is personal and eternal and your own.

Thank you to anyone and everyone who reads this blog. Who has commented on my posts, who follows me on Twitter and who watches my videos. I would still be doing this blog if no one at all read it, but having y’all here with me makes it a hell of a lot more fun. I hope through my writing, my replies and my giveaways you see how grateful I am, but I can’t thank you enough. At the Cosmopolitan Blog Awards tonight, I’ll be having a drink for you all (not one each though, we don’t want a paralytic blogger, do we?).

Blogging has brought me a creative outlet, amazing opportunities and great new friends. It’s opened me up to a network I had no idea existed before and has let me grow in so many ways, both personally and professionally. I have no doubt in my mind that starting this blog was the best decision I’ve ever made in my life, and perhaps, always will be. From having no idea what I’m getting myself into to being shortlisted for a blog award by the magazine I grew up reading – well, it’s crazy!

No matter what happens tonight, I’m so grateful and in my eyes, anyone that has been shortlisted for an award is a winner. My competition is fierce and that’s testament to the other amazing bloggers in the UK. Well done everyone, we did good! Thanks again, kittens, and don’t forget to follow me on Twitterlike my Facebook page and subscribe to my Youtube channel to keep up to date with all things  #CosmoBlogAwards and fashion!

2 responses to “#CosmoBlogAwards & Outfit of the Day: Pink Two-Piece Suit”

  1. Amy Liddell says:

    You look amazing!! Loving the collar detail


  2. Tamsin Lily says:

    So cute! I love two-piece suits and the bag is adorable! xox


Meet The Creator

Full time I'm an ambitious Head of Marketing and Communications in the luxury industry. Part time, I'm an enthusiastic British Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle blogger and YouTuber from Manchester, UK. This blog has been my outlet for the past 7+ years, and as a longstanding, Award-winning blogger I take the most enjoyment from creating content I truly love and believe in. All authentic. Always.

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