
How To Deal With A Dip In Confidence And Pick Yourself Back Up

Boosting your self-esteem is something that everyone can benefit from, especially if they lack confidence and self-love. It can be common for most people to go through downtimes in their life due to a dip in confidence due to appearance, career, or lifestyle changes. 

It is essential for everyone to feel their best self and the utmost confidence at all times. Hence, here are the top tips to help anyone dealing with a dip in confidence to pick themselves back up.

Treat yourself to something you have wanted for a long time

Sometimes, all we simply need is to treat ourselves, especially to those things that we have wanted for a long time. Whether that be a trip away to relax and switch off or a beauty treatment to tweak our appearance for a boost in confidence – whatever you want or need to improve your self-confidence, you should get it. 

For instance, you might lack confidence due to your appearance. You shouldn’t because everyone is beautiful and unique in their own way. Whether you want a liquid nose job a non-surgical way to improve the profile of the nose, or a brow lift, a small treatment can make the biggest difference to your self-love and confidence. 


Treat yourself to small things

Speaking of treating yourself, it can also be beneficial to treat yourself to small things from time to time. A simple coffee out or a bag of your favorite chocolate could be all you need for a little bit of self-love and appreciation. 

When you start to feel down or uncertain in your confidence, then remember to step back from life and give yourself small treats. 


Look in the mirror more

Although some people say that looking in the mirror more could lead to a lack of confidence, due to picking out the bad things about yourself, the practice can result in you feeling more confident in yourself. 

The more that you look in the mirror, the more you can appreciate yourself for who you are. You can look past your “flaws” and see them as beautiful. You can realize that your lack of self-confidence due to how you look is because of your own thoughts inside your head and are in fact, not a reality.


Visualize it

Some people simply need to fake confidence until it becomes a reality, which is fine. Practicing appearing more confident will soon make you realize that your negative thoughts are not true. Hence, you will be able to substitute those negative feelings with positive feelings, which you will attain from visualizing them. 

You can visualize your confidence through thoughts and/or looking in the mirror. Or, you can visualize your confidence by writing it down on paper and therefore, visualize how confident you will be through your written words. 


Lower your standards

You might lack confidence or encounter a dip in confidence because your standards are too high. Therefore, it will help to battle your dip in confidence by lowering your standards and stopping expecting too much from yourself and others. 

For example, you might be aiming to climb the career ladder in two years. But in actual fact, it will take 5 to 6 years. Therefore, putting this pressure on yourself will only make you feel down and unconfident when you don’t achieve that unrealistic goal. 


Understand why you feel the way you feel

Should you experience a sudden lack of confidence, then there might be a reason why (and maybe a silly reason why, which you can fix). 

It will be a good idea to take a step back and understand why you feel unconfident. This will help you discover the reasons why you suddenly feel different in yourself and why you no longer feel confident. It could be due to having high expectations or it could be due to comparing yourself. 

Either way, the sooner that you understand why you feel a lack of confidence then you will be able to battle those thoughts and feelings and regain your confidence. Picking yourself back up is much easier when you know why you are lacking confidence. 


Ask yourself “what if…”

You might be lacking confidence due to being uncertain of your abilities. You might want to step up at work in order to attain a career jump. However, your lack of confidence might be holding you back from doing that. 

Therefore, instead of letting your nerves and lack of confidence get the best of you, then step back and ask yourself “what if..”. That question can lead you to answers and help you understand that not letting your lack of confidence get in the way could lead you to the result that you want. That “what if” could result in you realizing “what if I step forward instead of hiding in the shadows at work”, which could give you a positive outcome. 


Take a deep breath and let it go 

You might notice a dip in your confidence when you are letting your negative feelings overwhelm you. You might be spiraling into a lack of confidence due to allowing your thoughts to surround you and be your only thoughts. Therefore, it is important to remember to take a deep breath and let those negative thoughts go. 

Taking deep breaths can recentre you and help you discover your positive attributes, which can counteract your negative thoughts. Taking five minutes when you feel overwhelmed can help you calm down, recenter and pick yourself back up when you are lacking confidence. 


Using this guide, you will be able to deal with a dip in confidence. Although you might dip in and out of confidence, just know that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. There are simple ways to pick yourself back up when you lose your confidence. Therefore, use these tips to help you in those times when you lose your confidence a little bit. It can be as simple as visualizing your regaining confidence or looking at yourself in the mirror. 


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Meet The Creator

Full time I'm an ambitious Head of Marketing and Communications in the luxury industry. Part time, I'm an enthusiastic British Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle blogger and YouTuber from Manchester, UK. This blog has been my outlet for the past 7+ years, and as a longstanding, Award-winning blogger I take the most enjoyment from creating content I truly love and believe in. All authentic. Always.

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