
Outfit of the Day: Black Skater Dress

OUTFIT DETAILS wide brim straw hat: Dorothy Perkins // pointed black court heels: Peacocks* // 
black mesh top skater dress: Peacocks* // watch: Michael Kors // silver heart bracelet: Debenhams* // 
yellow heart bracelet: Tresbor Paris* // leopard print skinny belt: ASOS* //  wide brim hat: OASAP* // 

Hey kittens, TGIF! Hope you’re all looking forward to a sunny weekend? I’m hoping (fingers crossed) for a bit of sun in Manchester – summer is on it’s way, after all! To try and coax Mr Sun from behind the clouds, I’ve donned by best summer evening party dress to try and get him out to party… Let’s see if it works!

Inspired by race season – I mean, we can’t get away from it at the moment, can we? – I’ve gone for a classic, feminine skater dress paired with a wide brim straw hat. As the sun is starting to rear it’s head more and more, I’m slowly putting away the fedora for Winter and moving towards my more lightweight hats, including this huge widebrim straw number I picked up in the Dorothy Perkins sale last September. The dark straw in it also compliments my black dress and heels nicely, whilst warming up the outfit slightly to match my oversized sunnies; instantly adding an air of expensive to my Peacocks dress and shoes.

I know, another cracking outfit from Peacocks. They really are bringing out some sterling efforts this year and for their incredibly affordable price point, they really are pulling out all the stops to bring some fab on-trend pieces without breaking the budget. Congrats, Peacocks. Another happy customer here!

So kittens, are you a fan of the races? Will you be going to any this year? Or would you rather watch from at home? Leave me a comment below and let me know!

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3 responses to “Outfit of the Day: Black Skater Dress”

  1. SFR says:

    Super cute outfit and perfect for this weather! Love the hat!!
    ManchesterMummy x

  2. I was looking for a dress for my upcoming birthday and I think this would be perfect. Thanks for sharing!


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Full time I'm an ambitious Head of Marketing and Communications in the luxury industry. Part time, I'm an enthusiastic British Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle blogger and YouTuber from Manchester, UK. This blog has been my outlet for the past 7+ years, and as a longstanding, Award-winning blogger I take the most enjoyment from creating content I truly love and believe in. All authentic. Always.

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