
Rosewood Pets Haul for Pug Puppy

rosewood pets luxury dog basket bed

Herro guys, it’s Sonny here again. Hope you don’t mind me taking over my Momma’s blog again for another pug puppy blog post, but I have a really excited parcel of goodies to share with you. Momma seems to get so many parcels every day with things in for her blog and work, whilst all I’m left with is the cardboard boxes to play in… That is until Momma excitely screamed that I had my first blogger mail; a Rosewood Pets Haul hamper just for little ole’ me.

rosewood luxury dog basketrosewood pets dog haul

…Finally, being the puppy of a blogger Momma has it’s perks. Now I don’t mind posing for my pictures! The people at Rosewood Pets were so kind to me and sent me a whole range of different items to try out. As you can see from all of these pictures, I am totally besotted with my new bed; the Luxury Plus Navy Sofa. You guys know we pugs like our sleep, and now I get to sleep on the most comfortable and biggest bed I’ve ever had. I can really snuggle up and stretch out to my hearts content. Don’t I just look snug as a bug in a rug in the top picture? That’s how I like to settle down every day in my posh new den. I feel so spoilt to have all this room just to myself!

tweed dog jacket rosewood petskong ball rosewood pets dog haul

You may also notice in the two above sets of pictures that I am looking even more handsome than usual (although it’s difficult to imagine, I know). And yes, it might be because my face keeps getting ever more wrinkly, but it also might be the two new additions to my growing wardrobe. We all know Momma likes to dress me up to make sure I’m warm before going on my walkies, and now I can do that in style with my Rosewood Pets Diamond Sweater and Country Tweed Coat. I love the sweater for lounging around the house in chillier days, and my tweed coat is currently getting a lot of wear out of the house (you might have seen it in my walkies vine here and pub vine here). Momma says I look ‘majestic’ in it, whatever that means.

rosewood pets luxury leather dog collar and lead set

For days where I don’t feel like dressing up, I now have my very first designer collar and lead set in the form of this Wag ‘n’ Walk Designer set. Momma says these are so nice that they’re almost too good for me (how rude!) but I think I deserve the best. Although I usually wear a harness due to my infinate number of double chins and backfat – more rolls than Greggs – Momma says it’s always a good option to slip on a collar before a quick trip into the garden. We’ve also starting using the lead with a harness and the tweed coat for our days out with friends, mostly for showing off purposes, I’m sure.

rosewood pets toy bone for dogsrosewood pets dog haul

When I’m not showing off my new looks during my walkies with the local pug club, I’m hoarding all my wonderful new toys in my bed. My new mates at Rosewood were kind enough to send me three new toys to try – and it’s not even my birthday yet! Momma was excited to see we got this Kong Ball, she says Kong is one of the very best brands of puppy toys and that she feels safe leaving me with this. I was excited too, mainly because I know you can put treats inside it. Yum!

I also got two new different types of bone toys to chew on, which was fantastic timing as I am starting to teeth and these feel sooo nice when I get my mouth around them. The big red bone is a TastyBone Beef, which is growing on me but Momma thinks I will grow into when my front teeth have grown back in. All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth… Well, it was until I discovered Rosewood’s Biosafe Puppy Bone. This is by far my favourite of all the toys and I chew it every day; it’s also light enough for me to trot around with it in my mouth and Momma says I’m allowed to have it longer than other toys because it’s made out of BioCote technology apparently, which means it’s more hygienic and reduces bad bacteria. Not sure what that means but if I’m allowed to keep this one, it’s all good with me!

kong ball rosewood pets

Thank you Rosewood Pets for welcoming me into the world of puppy blogging and giving me the opportunity to provide Momma’s followers with more of an insight into my life. She’s so proud of me that she loves any excuse to share my pictures… I mean, I’m gorgeous. Who wouldn’t want to see this wrinkly mug?

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Meet The Creator

Full time I'm an ambitious Head of Marketing and Communications in the luxury industry. Part time, I'm an enthusiastic British Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle blogger and YouTuber from Manchester, UK. This blog has been my outlet for the past 7+ years, and as a longstanding, Award-winning blogger I take the most enjoyment from creating content I truly love and believe in. All authentic. Always.

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