
Tips for Sticking to your New Year’s Resolutions

Hey kittens, as y’all know, my last YouTube video of 2014 (posted an hour or so before the clock striked midnight on New Year’s Eve!) was very appropriately all about New Year anxiety. Although we are really only ticking off another day in the diary when we start a new year, moving from 2014 to 2015 can be a big deal and for some it’s a starting point for setting goals for the year ahead. So, we’re now two weeks (exactly!) into the new year – time to check ourselves up on our resolutions and make sure we’re staying on track…

As anyone who has ever tried knows, making a resolution is the easy part – sticking to one, never mind two or three, is the hard part. Studies over the years suggest that it takes around 21 days to break free of an old habit and replace it with a new one. If your resolve is starting to wane now that the first flush of enthusiasm has evaporated, here are a few helpful tips to get you back on course.

Photo-frames next to my bed – a motto I am trying to stick to in 2015.

Losing weight 

I’m having a debate at work about this resolution right now – it seems half of the office have jumped on a crash diet for January! Obviously, this is one of the most popular resolutions people set, and one of the first to crack under the strain of short grey and cold January days when we all crave some comfort food! (Lord knows I like a cup of tea and chocolate biscuit to curb late afternoon cravings.) Made in the midst of festive feasting, you may have just felt bloated when you resolved to shed a few pounds, but if you truly do want to lose a bit of weight – and I’m not talking about anything crazy here – it’s never too late to reframe your resolution. 

As y’all know, I am dead against crash diets. Instead, I will always champion a balanced diet, with a little treat here and there. So, set yourself specific targets that require small adjustments to what you eat and drink, including alcohol as well; don’t set yourself up to fail. Targets need to be achievable to keep you motivated, so be realistic. In terms of weight loss, go for a smaller amount than you think you can manage and raise the stakes over time. I am personally just having a little more salad than pizza right now!


Eurgh, I’m not one for trainers and tracksuits and I’m never gonna be a gym buddy, but I do try and get an hour of exercise in a day, whether it’s going for a couple of miles walk or getting on my Wii Fit. As with weight loss, having achievable goals is key (I would never promise myself to visit the gym 5 times a week, because it would just never happen). Sure, you’ve decided you want to run your first 10k in May, but that’s still months away. Fifteen minutes jogging or 30 minutes’ brisk walking every day is a good way to start. Create a chart, and gradually increase your times and distance. Be patient, take one session at a time and after a few weeks you’ll notice a marked improvement in your fitness.


Personally, I’m not a smoker, but I know a couple of friends (and an ex boyfriend!) who have set a resolution to quit smoking year on year for the past 3 or 4 years! I understand it’s tough, and I can’t speak from experience, but this is one of the best resolutions you’ll ever make – and one of the toughest to keep. If you set this resolution on 1st January, the reality is that you may have already cracked and reached for a cigarette, but don’t despair. It takes on average around five attempts before you succeed – so keep trying! Having a clear strategy is a must when it comes to quitting the nicotine habit. To help you along, electronic cigarettes* are a great alternative, as they provide you with a nicotine hit without all the nasty tar. I wouldn’t recommend them as a longterm solution, but friends have told me they have helped in kicking their smoking patterns. Plus, they don’t make your clothes stink!

Picture this

Finally, this is a little technique I do to keep myself on track, when I feel like my goals might be slipping no matter what the time of year! Remember that image you had of a better you when you made your resolution? If the picture has faded, sit down, close your eyes, and re-visualise that slimmer, fitter, healthier version of yourself all over again. Make the image as vivid and detailed as you can. Do this every day for five minutes, or anytime you feel your resolve weaken (heck, even write it on your mirror if you want!).

Keep calm, and stick to your resolutions!
So kittens, I really hope this has helped you stick to your resolutions a little more. Two weeks in, and it’s important to know that whether you’ve slipped or not on your resolutions, we can still get back on track and work towards our goals throughout the coming year – here’s to a fab and productive 2015!
PS please leave me any of your New Year’s resolutions and tips in the comments below, I’d love to hear them.

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One response to “Tips for Sticking to your New Year’s Resolutions”

  1. I don't make resolutions, I make positive aims. I have never said that I want to give up/lose/stop doing things as you always fail at the first hurdle!

    Anoushka xx http://www.Anoushkaloves.com

Meet The Creator

Full time I'm an ambitious Head of Marketing and Communications in the luxury industry. Part time, I'm an enthusiastic British Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle blogger and YouTuber from Manchester, UK. This blog has been my outlet for the past 7+ years, and as a longstanding, Award-winning blogger I take the most enjoyment from creating content I truly love and believe in. All authentic. Always.

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