
7 Ways To Sleep Better

Getting a good night’s sleep is key in helping you to start the day off right. There are loads of reasons why you might not be getting a good night’s sleep – one of those is sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a serious disorder that affects millions of Americans. It is characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep, which can lead to disruptions in sleep patterns and daytime fatigue. If left untreated, it can also raise the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular problems. Treating sleep apnea is essential for improving quality of life and preventing serious medical complications.

If you’re struggling to sleep and think sleep apnea might be the cause, here are 7 ways you can help yourself.


Mouthpiece Therapy

Mouthpiece therapy is a common treatment option for those with mild to moderate sleep apnea. The device helps to keep the airway open by holding the lower jaw and tongue in a forward position while sleeping. It is important to consult with your doctor when considering mouthpiece therapy, as it can be uncomfortable and may not be right for everyone.

CPAP Machines

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines are also used to treat sleep apnea. These machines work by delivering pressurized air through a mask, which keeps your airways open during sleep. CPAP machines are considered one of the most effective treatments for sleep apnea, but many people find them bulky, noisy, and difficult to use.


Surgery is usually reserved for cases of severe sleep apnea where other treatments have not been effective. There are a variety of surgical options available, including uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), which removes excess tissue from the throat, and maxillomandibular advancement (MMA) surgery, which helps reposition the jaw to open the airways. Surgery can be effective but carries risks such as infection, bleeding, and nerve damage. It is important to discuss the potential benefits and risks with your doctor before proceeding with any type of surgical treatment for sleep apnea.

Lifestyle Changes

In some cases, lifestyle changes may be all that is needed to treat sleep apnea. Losing weight, avoiding alcohol and cigarettes, and limiting sedatives can all help to reduce the severity of sleep apnea symptoms. Additionally, sleeping on your side instead of your back can also help keep the airways open while you sleep.

Oxygen Tank

In cases of severe oxygen deprivation, supplemental oxygen may be necessary. An oxygen tank and oxygen cylinder is a device that delivers pure oxygen through a face mask or nasal cannula while you sleep. This can help to increase oxygen levels and improve sleep apnea symptoms.

Weight Loss

Weight loss has been shown to reduce symptoms of sleep apnea in some cases, as excess weight can put extra pressure on the neck and throat, leading to disruptions in breathing. In addition, losing weight can reduce inflammation in the airways, which can help improve breath flow.

Change in Sleeping Position

It’s possible for sleep apnea to be aggravated by certain sleeping positions. For example, if you sleep on your back, gravity can cause your tongue and soft palate to collapse against the back of your throat, blocking your airway. Changing how you sleep may help improve symptoms of sleep apnea.



By following these steps and talking to your doctor about the best treatment options for you, you can get relief from sleep apnea symptoms and lead a healthier life. In addition to treating sleep apnea, it is important to seek regular medical care to help prevent complications associated with this disorder. With proper diagnosis and treatment, you can enjoy a better quality of life while reducing the risk of serious health problems caused by sleep apnea.


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Full time I'm an ambitious Head of Marketing and Communications in the luxury industry. Part time, I'm an enthusiastic British Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle blogger and YouTuber from Manchester, UK. This blog has been my outlet for the past 7+ years, and as a longstanding, Award-winning blogger I take the most enjoyment from creating content I truly love and believe in. All authentic. Always.

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