
Harvey Nichols Grazia Beauty Parlour

Happy weekend, kitty cats! It’s about time I updated y’all with another event post and this one comes straight from my favourite store – good ole’ Harvey Nics. If there’s one shop that contains everything that is wonderful about high end fashion and luxury beauty – two things that every kitten loves – it is Harvey Nichols

I’ve become pretty familiar with Manchester’s Harvey Nichols (located in Exchange Square, city centre Manc) over the past year, having been lucky enough to be invited to several of their exclusive events – for more info, check out my coverage of their huge premium Spring/Summer 2013 fashion show here and my Benefit Face Date here. However, I’d not been to a specific beauty event at the store, so I was super excited to attend the Grazia Beauty Parlour

Well kitty cats, I was not disappointed. Welcomed into the store with impeccable customer service and friendly staff, I sipped on infinitely refilled glasses of bubbly. As I sipped and chatted away, I browsed the tens of premium beauty concessions on the ground floor. It was a great opportunity to test, try and swatch samples of high end beauty and skincare products in a non-intimating environment. Sometimes, it can be pretty scary going up to expensive concessions and enquiring about the products, yet this definitely wasn’t the case; all the staff were very approachable and even offered samples! Fab!
The evening celebrated the newest and most fashionable make-up and skincare trends of Spring/Summer 2013, including demonstrations and samples of the latest releases. The evening was inspired by one of the world’s most style bunnies and beauty blogger extrodinare, Fifi Lapin. As a blogger myself, I loved this touch and especially enjoyed the exclusive Fifi Lapin designed tote bag that I took home as a goodie bag gift.
From 6 – 9pm, workshops and talks took place from various brands, including make-up demonstrations, skincare tips and even a live fake tan application on a very brave (and half naked) model on stage. For me, Benefit’s “Wow Brow’s” demonstration stole the show. I’ve recently become a huge fan of Benefit Cosmetics, not just for their high quality products but for the fun ethos behind their work. Check out my posts on my Benefit Face Date here and review of Benefit’s Glamourierty Tour event here, if you need a quick memory job.
Head of Benefit make-up training in the North West, Rachel demonstrated how to get the perfect “Wow Brow”. Starting with prepping the eye, the “Benebabes” went on to map out the perfect brow shape, fill in the brows with “Brow Zings” and then create a neutral shadow look. The look – glam yet understated – was finished off with “They’re Real”, the number 1 best selling mascara in the world and one which I am a personal user of. 
After the demonstration, I was delighted to meet the rest of the North West Benebabes and was lucky enough to have Rachel demonstrate the perfect Benefit brow on myself. In fact, I was even invited back to have my eyebrows waxed and tinted at Debenham‘s Benefit concession last weekend. Spoiler alert – my brows look amazing and I am over the moon! Don’t worry, y’all will be seeing a blog post on that very soon.
Over all, I had a fab, chilled out evening with the perfect amount of fabulousity provided the luxurious location. Harvey Nichols did a brilliant job again and I am left looking forward to the next event. If you love all that is pretty, posh and perfect, be sure to stop by the famous Harvey Nics next time you’re in Manchester – you’ll be sure to get your premium fix! Oh, and for all you fashion-focused kitties, I’m wearing my Ardelle floral blazer from Pop Couture and embellished blouse from So In Fashion, with some black skinny jeans, a vintage necklace and black wedges.

Right kitty cats, do you ever shop at Harvey Nichols? Have you ever visited the Manchester store or do you just browse online? Leave me a comment below and let me know! And don’t forget to follow me on Twitterlike my Facebook page and subscribe to my Youtube channel to keep up to date with all things fashion!

2 responses to “Harvey Nichols Grazia Beauty Parlour”

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  2. lip says:

    Harvey Nichs never disappoints does it. 'infinitely refilled glasses of bubbly' says it all. And their selection is just stunning.

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Meet The Creator

Full time I'm an ambitious Head of Marketing and Communications in the luxury industry. Part time, I'm an enthusiastic British Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle blogger and YouTuber from Manchester, UK. This blog has been my outlet for the past 7+ years, and as a longstanding, Award-winning blogger I take the most enjoyment from creating content I truly love and believe in. All authentic. Always.

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