
The Story Behind Elizabeth Arden

In the early 1900s, a Canadian women by the name of Florence Nightingale Graham was preparing take over the world with beauty and skincare products. It might not sound like such a feat now, with so many brands to choose from, but back then it was revolutionary.

Florence Nightingale Graham was better known as Elizabeth Arden; her business name. She came to New York from Canada and opened her first Red Door salon on Fifth Avenue in 1910, selling beauty products and Elizabeth Arden fragrances. Her name is now one of the oldest in the beauty industry.

So, who was she and how did she leave such a huge mark on the beauty industry that is still prominent today?


A pioneer of the beauty industry

Elizabeth Arden participated in the suffrage movement in 1912, playing her part by supplying red lipstick to the suffragettes. The lipstick became an intrinsic part of the rally uniform and a symbol of female emancipation. This was the beginning of just how important makeup and beauty could be; an industry that she was soon to tap into in a big way.

By 1914, Elizabeth Arden had introduced eye makeup to the women of America. It was a phenomenon that had never really been explored before. In 1917, the Elizabeth Arden brand was the first to create travel-size beauty products. The brand was even the first to offer makeovers in-store.

In the following years, even through the depression in the 1920s, the Elizabeth Arden brand flourished and grossed more than $4m a year during the 1930s.


Changing the face of beauty

Elizabeth Arden followed a fundamental belief that beauty should come from science and nature, and beauty products should help to develop and maintain a woman’s natural assets. With that in mind, her skincare benefitted the skin, instead of masking it like many beauty and makeup attempts previously.

She was persistent in bringing a scientific approach to skincare formulations, making sure that each product had a tangible purpose. In 1930, the cult classic Eight Hour Cream was released; so-called because a client used it on her child’s grazed knee, and claimed that it was magically better eight hours later. The Eight Hour Cream is still a best-seller today, thanks to its versatile use. The cream can soothe, protect, moisturise, highlight and hydrate the skin.

In similar fashion, the range of Elizabeth Arden perfumes were designed to revitalise and inspire, while celebrating all things women. With a collection of fresh and timeless perfumes such as Sunflowers, Red Door, Green Tea and Splendour, they offer every day scents that accentuate the glamour and sophistication of a woman.

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Meet The Creator

Full time I'm an ambitious Head of Marketing and Communications in the luxury industry. Part time, I'm an enthusiastic British Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle blogger and YouTuber from Manchester, UK. This blog has been my outlet for the past 7+ years, and as a longstanding, Award-winning blogger I take the most enjoyment from creating content I truly love and believe in. All authentic. Always.

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