
My Midori Cocktail Party


Hello, my name is Lily and I love cocktails. No really, I do – there’s just something so lovely about enjoying a drink or two of a fruity mix on a Friday night that feels so much more special than a glass of wine. Cocktails just feel so much more fun and sophisticated, and I’m no stranger to trying different types (although all in moderation, I assure you). Recently, I was contacted my Midori to ask whether I would like a little surprise through the post… Knowing Midori is a cocktail brand, I said yes please and thank you all at once.


A few days later, a black box popped it’s way through my postbox (well, nearly – it didn’t quite fit!) and inside was a really thoughtful selection of cocktail-making accessories. Now, Midori didn’t ask me to write a blog post on this, but I just thought the set was too cute not to share! Plus, a lot of my friends had never heard of Midori before – a sweet, bright-green-coloured, muskmelon-flavored liqueur – and having been pleasantly surprised by the taste, I wanted to share this little discovery with you all. Over 18’s only, of course.

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Inside the box was everything I needed to create a later summer/early autumnal garden party, so I took advantage of some evening sunshine and got cracking. It would be rude not to! Making a Midori cocktail was super easy: pour in a splash of Midori, fill up your glass with lemonade, add a dash of lemon and a squirt of lime, and you’re done! Cocktail accessories optional. I opted in, of course. And although it was so super duper easy to make, the pay-off was pretty spectacular. The taste tickled my tastebuds and I have been really enjoy slowly finishing off the rest of the bottle over the past couple of weeks. I find one Midori is enough to satisfy my sweet tooth.

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If you haven’t tried Midori before (and you’re of legal drinking age!) I would definitely recommend you give it a whirl on your next night out. Although I have to confess I’d never really heard of this bevvy before, now it’s within my repartoire I’ve started to notice it’s bright green bottle hiding behind the bar at my local cocktail haunts. The bonus for me, however, is how easy it is to make at home and how different it is to your basic ‘vodka and orange’ drink you can offer to mates when they come round to dinner. In fact, although it’s the perfect garden party drink, it’s not unusual for me to enjoy a glass of this in my pyjamas on a Saturday night whilst getting deeply involved in the X Factor. Sorry not sorry!


8 responses to “My Midori Cocktail Party”

  1. Courtney says:

    The cocktails you made look amazing! And the color of the drinks is crazy!!


    • Lily Kitten says:

      Haha I know, the colour shocked me a little bit to be honest – but it tastes way more delicious than it looked! :) x

  2. Mel says:

    I really like Midori too, especially in a cocktail – I love it in a Dune Bug, they’re delicious :)

    Lillies and Lipbalm

    • Lily Kitten says:

      Oooh I am going to have to try a Dune Bug before, don’t think I’ve ever had one of those! x

  3. Diana Maria says:

    What lovely photos! The drinks look delicious, and you look so classy in that outfit! xo


  4. Yuliya says:

    Oh wow, i want to try. Looks awesome!

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